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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

a cat's tale

i landed in Washington DC a few days ago, but had to figure out some adapter issues at radio shack until i got my hands on the right outlet. It's very pleasant and peaceful here, but im still not used to the new-comer in our world,aka muffy my sisters cat. I've seen his pictures before and thought he was scary, but when i saw him face to face i must admit he has the cutest ugly face ever. He looks like hes always pushing his nose to the inside, with the furriest face. I must say i never know what 'curiosity killed the cat' was about, now however, i really know. I keep my distance from him very carefully, and when i go to sleep i make sure i close the door to not encounter any accidents that involve me screaming and landing off the bed on the floor(has happened, only on a chair). So every morning when i wake up, he makes the most heartbreaking sounds at the door until i let him in, of course i only do that when im done with my sleep.
right now, im the only one awake and so he sticks around me and snoops on everything i do lol. I wish he could talk or smile, communicating would be much easier.
That said, he reallllyy reminds me of lucifer from cinderella,, only a million times less evil.I think its the way he walks.



i'm off to the container store now, home of organizing wonders.I heart that store to bits.
have a great summer day.


breakfast at 4 am before takeoff


sushi at miyagi, the most delich salmon sashimi


the infamous Georgetown


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At 2:57 AM, Blogger asameee said...

loool muffy has grown so much he certainly does look scary :p


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